UNIHANDLE HARDWARE 2022 Annual Work Review Conference Held

On January 6, 2023, UNIHANDLE HARDWARE 2022 annual work summary meeting was held ceremoniously. All members of the company's team, management and staff representatives attended the meeting, and Mr Young, the general manager of the head office, attended the meeting.
The meeting first listened to the work report of all departments of the company in 2022. Mr Young, the general manager, made the company's annual work summary report on behalf of UNIHANDLE HARDWARE and deployed the work in 2022. Mr Young pointed out that in 2022, Company should, under the correct leadership of the head office and on the basis of the work in 2022, unite and work hard to meet the difficulties, further raise the working standards, speed up the work festival, clarify the development goals, adhere to the development strategy, make mechanisms, create culture, build teams, steadily promote the operation of hardware products, expand the market scale, strengthen project application, grasp new projects, and improve enterprise management. Ensure the completion of all objectives and tasks throughout the year with scientific management mechanism and flexible business strategy. The meeting also commended the "advanced individuals" emerging from Company in 2022.
Mr. Young proposed that Company has entered a relatively stable stage of development. We should do a good job in the company's strategic planning, speed up the training of young team talents, and establish a sound company management mechanism. Company has achieved rapid development. The leadership of the company should be good at learning, summarizing and improving. The improvement of the overall quality of all employees, especially the backbone employees, is the key. The company should establish a common enterprise development concept and establish a high-quality staff team.
A year's work will soon become a thing of the past. 2022 will soon pass, and 2023 will coming soon. A New Year means a new starting point, new opportunities and new challenges. We must make persistent efforts to go to a higher level and strive to open up a new situation in our work.


Post time: Feb-09-2023